I agree.
The message is properly formatted.
Sir, we have a properly formatted
emergency action message...
for weapons system
readiness test, sir.
- I concur, sir.
- Where's the X.O.?
- Sir.
- Good of you to make it, Mr. Hunter.
Get the authenticator.
Get the authenticator.
Let's go.
Sir, request permission
to authenticate.
Permission granted.
"Alpha, Alpha, Bravo,
Echo, Charlie, Zulu, Tango."
"Alpha, Alpha, Bravo, Echo,
Charlie, Zulu, Tango."
- Captain, message is authentic.
- I concur, sir.
- I agree.
- Message is authentic.
Sir, your captain's
missile key.
Set condition 1Sq for WSRT. This is
the captain. This is an exercise.
Set condition 1Sq for WSRT.
This is the X.O. This is an exercise.
Captain, that fire in the galley
could still flare...
Now is not the time.
Make your depth 150 feet. All stop.
Make my depth 150 feet.
All stop. Aye, sir.
Simulate pressurizing, all tubes.
Simulate pressurizing, all tubes.
Conn/Weapons: Simulate pressurizing,
all missiles. Aye, aye, sir.
Simulate pressurizing,
all missiles.
Simulate pressurizing,
all missiles. Aye.
All stations, proceed to 1Sq.
Ready all missiles for launch.
Come on, guys. Let's go!
Report approximate time
for 1Sq.
Captain/Weapons: Approximate time
to weapons system 1Sq:
Fourteen minutes, sir.