- Griffith.
- Don't let them get to you.
I'm not. I-ln fact, I'm about to
challenge the entire curriculum.
- lf I could just find the paper
in the Xerox room.
- You can't. There isn't any.
- What do you mean?
- I mean there isn't any.
I mean, we're out of Xerox paper and art
paper and we're short on pencils.
But we do have plenty of students.
I guess that, uh, balances things out.
Another fuckin' idiot.
No, I can't run, I can't hide
from all this pressure
lf I sell out, that means
I'm coppin' to a lesser charge
- And whenever there's a will
baby, there's a way
- Shit!
Each one teach one I always say
the murder rate is risin'
Society ain't scarin' me
Life is like a puzzle
Ain't no tellin' when they'll bury me
- Problems, problems
How are we gonna solve 'em
- So, what's on today's lesson plan?
A little kickboxing?
Some, uh, target practice, huh?
No. My own little
secret weapon.
Problems, problems
How are we gonna solve 'em
Okay, so, "never" is--
- lt's a verb!
- Adverb! Adverb!
- Adverb! Adverb!
Adverb! Fantastic!
- Whoo!
- You guys'll be reading poetry soon.
- You guys are sharp.
- Oh, my--
- Whoa!
- Okay.
- Homeboy!
- King of the calle!
Sit down, sit down, sit down.
- Sit down.
- Honourable sensei. Hmm.
lt's obvious that "homeboy"
is a noun.
Noun is correct!
Well, give me my damn candy bar.
- Whoo!
- Thank you.
Boy, poetry will be a piece
of cake for this crowd.
Yo, how come you keep sayin' poetry?
What's poetry got to do with this shit?
Poetry? WelI--
Because if you can read poetry,
you can read just about anything, hon.