Problems, problems
How are we gonna solve 'em
Okay, so, "never" is--
- lt's a verb!
- Adverb! Adverb!
- Adverb! Adverb!
Adverb! Fantastic!
- Whoo!
- You guys'll be reading poetry soon.
- You guys are sharp.
- Oh, my--
- Whoa!
- Okay.
- Homeboy!
- King of the calle!
Sit down, sit down, sit down.
- Sit down.
- Honourable sensei. Hmm.
lt's obvious that "homeboy"
is a noun.
Noun is correct!
Well, give me my damn candy bar.
- Whoo!
- Thank you.
Boy, poetry will be a piece
of cake for this crowd.
Yo, how come you keep sayin' poetry?
What's poetry got to do with this shit?
Poetry? WelI--
Because if you can read poetry,
you can read just about anything, hon.
- When you're ready for poetry,
you're ready for bear.
- I say bring on the bear!
- I'm always ready for bear. Shit.
- I'm always ready to see you bare.
- Whoa!
- Oh, shut up, you stupid!
- Oh, yeah? Ohh! Ohh!
Well, okay, here's the bear.
So what the fuck is that?
- I just happen to have copies
of-of-- of a poem...
- Wait for me! Shit!
- That's okay.
- written by the greatest poet.
My Darling, My Hamburger.
How's that?
- Okay, here's the deal.
- She was joking about the bear.
When we finish this assignment,
I am gonna take...
all of you...
to a place that has...
the highest parachute jumps,
the biggest roller coaster,
the best rides,
the most delicious hot dogs,
the hardest games...
and the best prizes
in the world.
- You're kiddin'.
- For real?
- And we don't gotta pay for it?
- Huh?