Okay, I see.
And I made it worse and I made you and
Gusmaro look bad in front of everyone...
by saying that Emilio was
stronger than the both of you.
Yeah, well, you thought
you was helpin' us.
Ma'am, I'm sorry. We really have to go.
I gotta get 'em home.
Nasty cut.
You mind telling me what the fight
was about in the first place?
I really would like to know
what happened. I'm not gonna
make any trouble for you.
- I just wanna know, was it worth it?
- Yeah, it was worth it.
- Why?
- Because it felt good
hittin' him in the face.
- I got him good, man.
- Yeah, you like to hit people?
Yeah, I like to hit people.
You feel angry
a lot of the time?
So now you're gonna
try and psychologize me?
You're gonna try and figure
me out? I'll help you.
I come from a broken home,
and we're poor. Okay?
I see the same fuckin' movies
you do, man.
I would like to help you,
Thank you very much. And how
would you like to do that?