Where's the code?
Where's the death?
Night. All that stuff
about night. That's death.
So it's "Don't go gentle
into that good death."
Yeah, but I think "good"
is sarcastic.
When he say, "Do not go gentle,"
that's like sayin', "Don't go easy."
- So it's the same as
"l will not go down."
- We just won us
a motherfucking chicken.
This is the life
Everyone has to be somewhere
I am here
This is the life
This is the life
- This is my
- Well, the results of the
Dylan-Dylan contest are in.
- Life
- The winners are--
- That's me. Right here.
- Sit down. I am Bob Dylan. Sit down.
- Yo, shh! Shh!
- Sorry, Miss Johnson.
- Shh.
- Shh.
Raul, Durrell and Callie!
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- Here's your certificate.
- Hey!
- Congratulations.
Congratulations, Callie.
But there are no losers in this class.
You guys did great.
You all get to pick a prize
from the box.
How come they get a prize
when they got the wrong answer?
Well, because sometimes
it takes a lot of wrong answers
to get to the right one.
Hey, everyone can't be right,
'cept for us!
Come on up.
- Miss Johnson?
- Hey, Callie.
- Um, I wanted to talk to you
about the restaurant.
- Uh-huh.