- That's me. Right here.
- Sit down. I am Bob Dylan. Sit down.
- Yo, shh! Shh!
- Sorry, Miss Johnson.
- Shh.
- Shh.
Raul, Durrell and Callie!
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- Here's your certificate.
- Hey!
- Congratulations.
Congratulations, Callie.
But there are no losers in this class.
You guys did great.
You all get to pick a prize
from the box.
How come they get a prize
when they got the wrong answer?
Well, because sometimes
it takes a lot of wrong answers
to get to the right one.
Hey, everyone can't be right,
'cept for us!
Come on up.
- Miss Johnson?
- Hey, Callie.
- Um, I wanted to talk to you
about the restaurant.
- Uh-huh.
- I can't go.
- Why?
Because I have to work at this
supermarket every night until
June and I already told them--
Oh, isn't there any way
to get out of it?
No. Because of the schedule
and everything, I have to do it.
- But thank you anyway.
- Well, o-okay. Well.
Well, no, it's okay. lf you
can't come to dinner, then, uh,
well, we'll bring dinner to you.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
- I'm taking orders, Miss Roberts.
I couldn't find
a parking space.
lt's okay.
I just got here myself.
- Oh, you look very handsome.
- How 'bout this jacket?
lt's fantastic.
Go ahead, touch it.
lt's real leather.
- Ooh!
- Hey, where's Callie?
Oh, she had to work.
Where's Durrell?
- Oh, he had to work too.
- Oh.
Well, I guess it's just
you and me, handsome.