Nigger, you sound like
you rich or somethin'.
Hear this nigger?
He ain't even got a fuckin' job.
- I know.
- Man, you better take your ass off
to college, man, I'm tellin' you...
before Uncle Sam grab your ass like
he gonna do this stupid motherfucker.
Oh, bullshit, Skip, man.
Ain't nobody gonna grab me.
Jose, a recruiter
can see your dumb ass a mile away.
Look at you.
You're a recruiter's dream. You a 1-A.
A one-way ticket to motherfuckin'
Vietnam if I ever saw one.
That's why I'm goin' to Hunter College.
You goddam right.
I ain't fightin'
no white man's war. Shit.
Them Vietcongs, chongs, whatever
the fuck, ain't done shit to me.
I don't even know
them motherfuckers, man.
And I ain't afraid of no war.
Man, what the fuck you been smokin'?
Look, y'all might think
I'm crazy, but...
I just wanna do somethin'
that's different.
Yeah, well, gettin' your
fuckin' head blown off is different.
Hey, man, turn that shit down!
And slow this motherfucker down!
- Ain't nobody in a hurry
to go to school.
- Man, leave that shit up.
You know I fucked Monica, right? Her
mama came in, caught us the other day.
Came in, seen my dick,
jumped in the bed too.
- Later on, you chump suckers.
- Ah, fuck you.
- Your mama!
- Punk ass, jivin' around.
- Hey, this is for you,
Anthony, right here.
- Close this motherfuckin' door.
It's cold as hell out here.
Sit your nasty ass down.
Oh, hey. How you doin'?
You up kinda early.
Um, I heard your truck.
Seems like you hear my truck
every mornin'.
Well, uh, morning
is the best time to study, so...
You should, uh, try workin'
on your first boyfriend.
I'm too busy studyin'
to be worryin' about boys.
Your sister up?
Uh, Sleeping Beauty?
Look, uh, tell her I said hey.
See ya.