Dead Presidents

You know I fucked Monica, right? Her
mama came in, caught us the other day.

Came in, seen my dick,
jumped in the bed too.

- Later on, you chump suckers.
- Ah, fuck you.

- Your mama!
- Punk ass, jivin' around.

- Hey, this is for you,
Anthony, right here.
- Close this motherfuckin' door.

It's cold as hell out here.
Sit your nasty ass down.

Oh, hey. How you doin'?
You up kinda early.
Um, I heard your truck.
Seems like you hear my truck
every mornin'.

Well, uh, morning
is the best time to study, so...

You should, uh, try workin'
on your first boyfriend.

I'm too busy studyin'
to be worryin' about boys.

Your sister up?
Uh, Sleeping Beauty?

Look, uh, tell her I said hey.
See ya.

- Good morning, Anthony.
- Oh, hey.

- I thought you were sleeping.
- You woke me up.

- Uh, so you goin' to school today?
- Mmm.

I could lay in bed all mornin'.
Oh. See, now...
Now that'd be real nice.

- Don't even think about it.
- Well, look, uh...

I'm gonna get on out of here.
I'll talk to you later.

- Okay.
- See ya.

Keep on pushin'
Keep on pushin'
- I'll be down there later on.
- Got to keep on pushin'

I can't stop now
Hard shoe.
Come here, hard shoe.

Come here, man.
What's up? What's up?

Listen, I want you...
I want you to tell Kirby I want 645.

- Straight, now. Listen. And, uh...
- Straight.

- We've been rollin' here.
- Come on, man. I ain't got time.

- Let me get the money.
- I want you to be back here tonight...

- Man, straighten your hat out.
- With my money, you little motherfucker.
