This morphine is all
I can do for him right now.
Here, Doc. You can use mine
if that's not enough.
Are you crazy? Another one of those
would kill him right now.
What the fuck
you got there, Curtis?
Somethin' about
"Black men, go home.
This isn't your war."
You get rid of that cocksucking
commie bullshit right now.
- Yeah. Right.
- Hey, Curtis.
- Apply some pressure here.
- We gotta hump this man
back to the rally point.
Oh, shit.
Save me, Curtis.
Look, Adam, you don't
worry 'bout nothin'.
We're a team,
okay, brother?
- We gonna take care of you.
- Please.
Yeah. It's not much longer.
We're almost there.
Kill me.
Kill me!
I would do it
for you.
I would do it
for you, Curtis.
Buttermilk 17.
Cobra, over.
Cobra, Cobra. Buttermilk 17. Inbound
your buzz. Contact on your visual.
- Shh.
- Buttermilk 17. Cobra.
Hey, you gonna be all right.
The medevac will be here
in a minute.
Do it.
You think
I don't mean it?
I can't go home like this.
- Hey, what's he saying?
- He's delirious, man.