Save me, Curtis.
Look, Adam, you don't
worry 'bout nothin'.
We're a team,
okay, brother?
- We gonna take care of you.
- Please.
Yeah. It's not much longer.
We're almost there.
Kill me.
Kill me!
I would do it
for you.
I would do it
for you, Curtis.
Buttermilk 17.
Cobra, over.
Cobra, Cobra. Buttermilk 17. Inbound
your buzz. Contact on your visual.
- Shh.
- Buttermilk 17. Cobra.
Hey, you gonna be all right.
The medevac will be here
in a minute.
Do it.
You think
I don't mean it?
I can't go home like this.
- Hey, what's he saying?
- He's delirious, man.
- Please.
- Uh, Cobra, Buttermilk.
- Hooking direct to your 12. Stand by.
- Cobra standing by. Over.
Uh, Cobra, Buttermilk 17.
Roger your visual. Pop smoke. Over.