Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Hey, I'm talking to you!
You got about 10 seconds
before those guys see you...

and when they do, they will
kill you. You understand?

You are about to have
a very bad day.

Yeah, tell me about it.
It's a police matter.
For your safety--

You damn right
it's a police matter.

I suggest you hide your butt in
my shop till the police arrive.

What the fuck?!
Aw, shit.
-Listen, I'm a cop on a case.

Somebody blew up
Bonwit Teller's.

-You hear about that?

The asshole responsible
said I gotta do this...

or he's gonna blow up
something else.

Shit, shit, shit.
I got a gun.
Get across the street.

Start acting crazy,
like Looney Toons...

like Bellevue.
Hey, Zeus. This your friend?
He look like
a friend of mine?

I think the dude just escaped
from some hospital...

you know, like Bellevue?
I am the...
voice of my own God.
And my God...
I told the librarian
I had a bad headache...

but she didn't believe me.
I really do have
a bad headache...

I have a very bad headache!
My head doesn't--

Shut the fuck up!
You've made a very bad mistake.
Boo-ya his ass.
Ha ha ha! Ha ha!
Cut that shit off.
Nature boy here hates niggers.
What are we gonna do about that?

Hold up, hold up, hold up!
Oh, shit!
-Back! Back up!
-Hey, Zeus is trippin'.

Back the fuck up! Now!
Come on, man, get up.
Get out of here!
Stop the cab--
stop the goddamn cab!

Don't shoot me!
Get up! Come on, get up!
Back off. I mean it!
I don't want to, but I will.
You know I will.

Go, go!
Get the fuck out of here!
