Die Hard: With a Vengeance

If killing you was all
I wanted, you'd be dead now.

Simon, this is inspector Cobb.
I can appreciate
your feelings for McClane...

but believe me,
the jerk isn't worth it.

He stepped on so many toes
in this department...

next month
he'll be a security guard.

His wife wants nothing
to do with him...

and he's two steps shy
of becoming an alcoholic.

One step, one step.
Now, listen to me.
You sound like a real smart guy.
What is it you want?
Are you talking about money?
Well, whatever, whatever.
McClane is a toilet bug.
What would it take...
just to forget him
and live happily ever after?

Money is shit to me.
I would not give up McClane...
for all the gold
in your Fort Knox.

72nd Street subway, pay phone,
15 minutes.

McClane and the Samaritan.
If you're competent
in the least...

you've found the briefcase...
so you know what I mean
by penalty.

I want to thank you
for that vote of confidence.

I thought it was worth a try.
This guy's a raving maniac.
He couldn't be any clearer.
He gave you clues
to his identity...

he spoke German...
he called it "your" Fort Knox...
and he stammered
when McClane pushed him.

You believe this guy
really can't be bought?

The very mention of money
only enraged him further.

What's that?
It's your shield.
You asking me to be a cop again?
Ricky, get him his gun.
You didn't
answer my question.

You didn't answer
my question, Walter.

Are you done, Lieutenant?
You two better leave
to get to 72nd Street on time.

Joe, they go with backup.
You got it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm not going anywhere.

Simon says you got to go.
I'm not jumping through hoops
for some psycho.

That's a white man
with white problems.

Call me when he crosses
110th Street.
