Die Hard: With a Vengeance

I thought it was worth a try.
This guy's a raving maniac.
He couldn't be any clearer.
He gave you clues
to his identity...

he spoke German...
he called it "your" Fort Knox...
and he stammered
when McClane pushed him.

You believe this guy
really can't be bought?

The very mention of money
only enraged him further.

What's that?
It's your shield.
You asking me to be a cop again?
Ricky, get him his gun.
You didn't
answer my question.

You didn't answer
my question, Walter.

Are you done, Lieutenant?
You two better leave
to get to 72nd Street on time.

Joe, they go with backup.
You got it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm not going anywhere.

Simon says you got to go.
I'm not jumping through hoops
for some psycho.

That's a white man
with white problems.

Call me when he crosses
110th Street.

Why'd you save my ass?
I didn't.
I stopped a white cop
from getting killed in Harlem.

One white cop
gets killed today...

tomorrow we got
1,000 white cops...

all of them with itchy
trigger fingers, got it?

Get him back.
Where'd you find that bomb?
Yo. Yo, partner. Wait up.
Hey, hey,
I ain't your partner...

your neighbor, your brother,
or your friend.

I'm your total stranger.
OK, stranger.
You know where that park is at
115th Street and St. Nicholas?

Yeah. That's in Harlem.
Where do you think
we found that bomb?

Listen, this guy doesn't care
about skin color...

even if you do.
What am I doing?
Cheer up.
Things could be worse.

I was working
on a nice fat suspension...

smoking cigarettes,
and watching Captain Kangaroo.

Come on.
