If you think you've had enough of a goodtime...
if you think the years of youth are
over for you, well no problem
Just go and live my years for me
Ajit's letter?
Lajjo! Look, what's here
Letter! From my friend
From Ajit
Just smell it, lady!
The fragrance of Punjab!
The flavour of mustard curry
on leavened maize bread
Those long tailed shirts, the short knickers
"My dear friend Baldev,
We're fine here"
"We hope to God that you, your
wife and the children are well too"
"You will be pleased to hear that
my son has graduated in arts"
"He has joined my business.
By God's grace, it's time now...
for us to let our childhood
friendship mature into a relationship
Let's make good the promise we made
to each other 20 years ago. I hope...
you will come here at the soonest
for Simran's wedding to Kuljit
Read on
She's shy! See Lajjo?
That's our etiquette, our culture
My daughter is still so
shamefaced. I'm not a failure
In the heart of London, I've kept India alive!