Don Juan DeMarco

as long as he lives.
Now, is that
a perfect myth or not?

lt's wonderful.
lt's a wonderful story.

You know, Jack,
this kid is remarkable.

You're right.
lt's like a Greek myth.

lt's exactly like a Greek myth.
The son becomes potent,
sexually active...

leads to the destruction
of his father...

who he replaces,
as, ofcourse, he must...

he must someday
to become a man.


But the guilt
of replacing the man...


who loves him and gave
him life, it's too great.


lt's enormous.

So he must hide it
by wearing a mask.


lt's time to put the kid
on meds, Jack.


You want to drive this kid nuts?

Fill him full of
antipsychotic chemicals...


and in 48 hours, you're
going to have a nut case...


you are not ever going to forget
for the rest ofyour life.


Jack, he is a schizophrenic.
He is not Don Juan.


How do you know
he's not Don Juan?

I've been with the kid. I know.
Has he ever told you, Jack,
in any of his sessions...

that he's been living
with his grandmother in Queens?

Has he ever told you?
I haven't got
any details like that.


I got a call about an hour ago
from the department.

Now, please, Jack...
put the boy on medication.
Paul, you don't understand.
Take it easy.
He is your patient.

You gotfive days.

I am pissed offat you.

And don'tforget
we're barbecuing Saturday.

Really pissed off.

-Mrs. DeMarco?
