Don Juan DeMarco

Excuse me, ma'am.

Buenos dias, el capitan.

Where's Rocco?

He has moved to Madrid.



Then he feels so guilty,
so overcome with shame...

that he puts on this mask...
and he vows never
to take his mask offagain...

as long as he lives.
Now, is that
a perfect myth or not?

lt's wonderful.
lt's a wonderful story.

You know, Jack,
this kid is remarkable.

You're right.
lt's like a Greek myth.

lt's exactly like a Greek myth.
The son becomes potent,
sexually active...

leads to the destruction
of his father...

who he replaces,
as, ofcourse, he must...

he must someday
to become a man.


But the guilt
of replacing the man...


who loves him and gave
him life, it's too great.


lt's enormous.

So he must hide it
by wearing a mask.


lt's time to put the kid
on meds, Jack.


You want to drive this kid nuts?

Fill him full of
antipsychotic chemicals...


and in 48 hours, you're
going to have a nut case...


you are not ever going to forget
for the rest ofyour life.


Jack, he is a schizophrenic.
He is not Don Juan.


How do you know
he's not Don Juan?
