My wonderful parents,
ladies and gentlemen.
They hated me. They once took me to
an orphanage and told me to mingle.
Do you ever feel like
killing yourself?
Like no matter what you do, people
will always see you as one thing?
It's like a lifetime of bad luck.
I came home last week, my dog looked
sheepish. Dogs can look sheepish!
I feed him, he won't eat.
He starts wailing real loud.
I go into the back room, I see
he's broken a very large mirror.
I say, ""Did you do this?''
He said, ""Yeah.'' He did.
""It's OK, why are you so upset?''
He says, ""49 years bad luck.''
Ajoke's like watching a lady
get out of a car
Sometimes you see it,
sometimes you don't.
Did I say something funny?
I was playing Carthage, Tennessee.
Ever play there?
They brought back the death penalty
for comedians only.
Guy in a bar says, ""I used to own this
place. I built it up from nothing.
""But do they call me
John the Bar Owner? No.
""I owned the biggest farm
in the county for 30 years.
""I looked after animals, crops.
But do they call me John the Farmer?
""I ran for Congress. Sat in
Washington representing the people.