Life's a bitch.
And a short bitch too.
Just a little kiss good-bye.
A little love kiss, to say good-bye.
And then you leave?
Then I leave.
Mrs. Lombard?
I've got to do my laundry.
Could you watch the kids?
I'm hurt. I'm hurt!
I'm so hurt.
Very, very hurt!
It'll be okay.
Stop it now.
Sluts... all sluts!
Excuse him.
Come on, put my helmet on.
It makes me look like a dickhead.
Better a dickhead than a busted head.
We're surrounded by sluts!
Laurent, come on. Cut it out!
Laurent, come on.
Get on, get on.
There. Get on.
We'll take it nice and slow now.
Are you okay?
Why wouldn't I be okay?
Isn't life swell?
You're going the wrong way!
I'm off to see the Crumble sisters!
Come back!
Look out! You'll total yourself.
Where are the Crumbles?
Where are the sluts?
You had it coming.