We just made some cheese.
It's all fresh!
We had a little setback.
I hate women. I hate 'em!
They make me wanna puke!
We were waiting for you.
He's depressed.
I'll go now.
I'll make some dandelion tea.
It should clear his mind up.
Right. Make him some herb tea.
I'll go get the car.
It'll take at least two hours.
I'm miserable. I'm so miserable.
I'll follow the coast
down to the Italian Riviera.
I have a girlfriend.
She works at a spa.
A girlfriend?
Just a friend.
I've got regular friends too.
We won't see each other again?
Who knows?
I do.
Loli! Are you home?
You're the only one that counts.
You and the children.
He got the message.
No more fooling around.
No more girls.
No more cheating left and right.
And he really means it.
What cheating left and right?
When you caught him.
Don't take me for an idiot!
You said: " Left and right"!