Just, you know, ...
I'm doing Shylock instead of
a shylock. What's my motivation?
The acquisition of money,
to collect, to inflict pain if I must.
Guy splits with my money, I go
after him, what d'you think I'd do?
- Look at me.
- I am looking at you.
Look at me the way I'm looking at you.
Put it in your eyes.
"You're mine, asshole," without saying it.
OK, how 'bout this?
Are you telling me you're sleepy,
you want to go to bed?
All right, OK...
Now you're squinting
like you need glasses.
What do you...?
- Look at me.
- What?
What I'm thinking is
"You're mine. I fucking own you.'+
But I'm not feeling
one way or another about it.
You're not a person to me, you're
an entry in a book, a guy who owes me.
All right, how about this?
Woh, oh, wow, not bad!
Not bad.
No wonder you're Martin Weir.
That's what I think of you, asshole.
I believe it.
So, I turn this on
when I confront the guy?
You haven't found him yet,
he's split for Las Vegas.
- How do I know that?
- Because his wife told you.
His wife told me. OK.
Harry, how you doing?
I'm expecting some people.
You must be doing some big deals
doing lunch in a place like this.
I'm working on a few things.
I hear you bagged Martin Weir
for Mr Lovejoy.
Word gets around, huh?