Oh, man. This is going to be good.
'God gave men brains larger than dogs
so they wouldn't hump women's legs
at cocktail parties'.
Ruth Libby.
l'm not sure your mother qualifies
as a significant 20th century author.
Her last book sold 2 million copies.
'Angelheaded hipsters burning for
the ancient heavenly connection
'to the starry dynamo
in the machinery of the night'.
Nice. Very nice.
He's not in this class.
l said give me time.
He's not enrolled in this class.
Well, he's on my list.
'Of all the things l've lost,
l miss my mind the most'.
Ozzy Osbourne.
You. What is your name?
Emmanuel Goldstein, sir.
You, however, are not on my list.
This isn't wood shop class?
Class crashing. Come on.
Now get out.
Thank you, sir.
How was school?
- What did we learn in school today?
- Revenge.
Ahh. Did we meet someone special?
No. No-one special.
l have to get back to work.
Would you please try to fill these out?