'Of all the things l've lost,
l miss my mind the most'.
Ozzy Osbourne.
You. What is your name?
Emmanuel Goldstein, sir.
You, however, are not on my list.
This isn't wood shop class?
Class crashing. Come on.
Now get out.
Thank you, sir.
How was school?
- What did we learn in school today?
- Revenge.
Ahh. Did we meet someone special?
No. No-one special.
l have to get back to work.
Would you please try to fill these out?
Don't worry,
it's only the rest of your life.
Anything else?
Want me to mow the lawn?
Oops, l forgot. New York, no grass.
And unpack.
You can sit at home
and do absolutely nothing
and your name goes through
17 computers a day.
'1984'? Yeah, right. That's a typo.
Orwell's here and living large.
We have no names, man. No names!
Can l score a fry?
Meet Cereal Killer.
As in Fruit Loops.
But he does know things.