We're taking you there next Sunday.
I don't want to hear another word!
You won't!
I'm never taIking to you again!
Why are you here?
I brought your bike.
You didn't have to. I was going
to BiIIy's to get it myseIf.
I toId BiIIy to stop picking on you.
You wasted your breath.
We'II taIk about it some other time.
What was that?
You heard it too?
Of course I heard it.
Come on, I found this reaIIy
weird game in the factory.
A game?
A game for those who seek to find
a way to Ieave their worId behind.
You roII the dice to move your token.
DoubIes gets another turn.
The first to reach the end wins.''
You want to pIay?
I quit pIaying board games
five years ago.
It's gotta be magnetized or something.
AIan, Iook.