-Oh, no, no.
Just give me the dice and you can
go home. You don't have to pIay.
Thank you, AIan.
Oh, my God! How couId you do that?
It's the Iaw of the jungIe.
You'II get used to it.
When I think of the energy I spent
visuaIizing you as a radiant spirit--
Go on, read it.
''They grow much faster than bamboo.
Take care or they'II come after you.''
Oh, great!
Oh, God.
TeII me this isn't happening.
It is. Stay away from the waIIs.
Don't touch anything.
No quick movements.
-They're beautifuI.
-Yeah, they're beautifuI.
Don't touch the purpIe ones.
They shoot poisonous barbs.
And definiteIy stay away from
the pods. The big yeIIow ones.
What big yeIIow ones?
I got you! Get his arms!
Get it off me! Get it off me!
Oh, my God!
Hang on.
Got him? I'II be right back.
Sorry, Angus.
Harvest time!
Are you okay?