And definiteIy stay away from
the pods. The big yeIIow ones.
What big yeIIow ones?
I got you! Get his arms!
Get it off me! Get it off me!
Oh, my God!
Hang on.
Got him? I'II be right back.
Sorry, Angus.
Harvest time!
Are you okay?
Oh, my God!
My car. Oh, my car.
I can't beIieve this.
Start, start, pIease. Yes!
-Carl? Come in, Carl.
-CarI here.
Where have you been?
We've got an animal control situation.
Get Stan and WiIIy on it.
I've gotta check out a suspicious
character at the Parrish pIace.
I shouId've been a fireman.
Get your hands off me!
-The game is not over yet.
-It is for me.
You are not in the jungIe anymore.
Stop this! You don't
treat peopIe Iike this.