Before I die, just once...
Won't you give me
the right to hug them?
Right? Our lives are for you.
Karan and Arjun are your children.
Go my children.
My children!
I'm truly unfortunate.
I couldn't play with you.
I'm returning the right I had
snatched away from you.
Now you are the
mistress of this mansion.
And your sons are its' heirs.
Take this.
The body becomes useless in old age.
But you have ruined your life!
You poisoned my life!
Go away from here!
I didn't come to this
mansion to go away!
Every brick of this house is mine!
I served you all your life!
You tried to kill me every moment!
But I didn't die.
Because I had a debt to pay,
to give these kids their rights!
I won't give these beggars one penny!
Instead I'll give you and
this family of yours, death!
No! I bind you by oath.
We don't want anything!
You may take everything.
We want nothing at all!
What are you saying?
You called me your daughter-in-law
and held my sons close to your heart.