Hey, girl. Cyclops.
You know where to find Cyclops?
Will you get lost?
Beat it!
Happy birthday, Uncle dear
Our wish is mosf sincere
We hope this cake of ours
will bring you happiness
Good fortune and success
Wait till the candles are blown out!
ln fair or foul weafher
We'll always be togefher
Happy birthday, Uncle lrvin.
A cake for me?
You're really too kind.
Are you ready, children?
Not you.
You've got a cold.
One, two.
What is alt this bellowing about?
But, sweetheart,
it's lrvin's birthday.
lrvin's birthday?
Why, of course.
How could l have forgotten?
Let us celebrate.
Let us all make merry.
Everyone, let's shout!
Scream out!
Krank, come back.
l had a thought last night.
lf these children
only have nightmares...
it's perhaps
because the evit is in you.
Why not seek the cause
of your torment...
in the molecular study
of your own tears?
Who could make me cry?
Well, boss...
we could make you cry
with laughter.
l am a gnome
a bag of bones
A man of means
and lull of beans
The girls in Spain
sing my refrains
l've such a pain
that it's insane