- Nothing, sir !
- You plottin' on me, boy ?
- No, sir !
- Well, let me
tell you somethin', ass-eyes.
Let me tell you all somethin':
War has made me very paranoid !
And when a man
gets to eyeballin' me,
it make my Agent Orange act up,
and I get the urge to kill !
- Do you understand me ?
- Sir, yes, sir !
- Do you all understand me ?
- Sir, yes, sir !
- I can't hear you.
- Sir, yes, sir !
And what is your damage,
muscle-head ? You stupid ?
You ignorant, or you
just plain ol' deaf ?
Yes, sir.
Actually, he is deaf.
Oh. Thank you.
Now drop down,
give me 25 more...
for speakin' out of line !
- One, sir.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Handicapped Man.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Do you speak sign language ?
Can you read lips ?
Let me break it down.
If you don't answer me
when I speak to you,
I'm goin' put my foot in your ass !
Is that clear, dummy ?
Sir, yes, sir.
Hold on, guys.
Wait-- Oof !
Wait !
Hey, guys !
Don't start without me !
Come on !
Wait ! Hold on.
Hello, gorgeous.
Welcome to my party.
You know, you're out of
uniform there, Mr. Fonzarelli.
Yeah, well, uh, l-l like
this look better, General--
- Admiral-- whatever.
- It's Major, boy.