Major Payne

I didn't mean to offend you.
Do you speak sign language ?

Can you read lips ?
Let me break it down.

If you don't answer me
when I speak to you,

I'm goin' put my foot in your ass !
Is that clear, dummy ?

Sir, yes, sir.
Hold on, guys.
Wait-- Oof !

Wait !
Hey, guys !
Don't start without me !

Come on !
Wait ! Hold on.

Hello, gorgeous.
Welcome to my party.

You know, you're out of
uniform there, Mr. Fonzarelli.

Yeah, well, uh, l-l like
this look better, General--

- Admiral-- whatever.
- It's Major, boy.

Oooh. Looks like...
we got another major
on our hands here, guys.

- Oooh !
- Ha-ha !
- Major, ooh, a major !

What's your name,
girlie-mouth ?

Uh, Cadet Alex Stone, sir !
Yes, sir !
Heigh-ho, sir !

Well, I'm glad to see
you got a sense of humor.

So do l. Heh-heh-heh.
From now on, my little group
of scrotum sacs,

you will strive
to be like me.
