What do you think
I oughta do with you ?
I don't know, sir.
You don't know.
I guess you should
probably expel me, sir.
What, and send you
on a vacation ?
Dotson !
- Sir, yes, sir !
- You are no longer the squad leader.
Stone. You are now
cadet sergeant.
If these men win
the Virginia Military Games,
it'll be because you
have led them to a victory.
If they lose,
it'll be
because you failed them.
- I don't accept that responsibility.
- It's not negotiable.
If I'm the new squad leader,
my first order is to screw you, sir !
What'd you say to me, turd ?
Why don't you go back to hell
where you came from ?
Boy, I am two seconds
from bein' on you...
Like white on rice and a glass of milk
on a paper plate in a snowstorm !
I will put my foot
so far up your ass,
the water on my knee
will quench your thirst.
Try it.
- You want me gone, boy ?
- Yes, sir.
I said, "Do you want
me gone, soldier ?"
Yes, sir !
Then you meet me outside
the R.O.T.C. buildin' at 2100 hours.