If I'm the new squad leader,
my first order is to screw you, sir !
What'd you say to me, turd ?
Why don't you go back to hell
where you came from ?
Boy, I am two seconds
from bein' on you...
Like white on rice and a glass of milk
on a paper plate in a snowstorm !
I will put my foot
so far up your ass,
the water on my knee
will quench your thirst.
Try it.
- You want me gone, boy ?
- Yes, sir.
I said, "Do you want
me gone, soldier ?"
Yes, sir !
Then you meet me outside
the R.O.T.C. buildin' at 2100 hours.
You ladies want me gone,
you'll get your chance.
Where is the first place trophy
from the Virginia Military Games ?
Wellington Academy, sir !
I want that trophy.
If you turds can bring me
that trophy,
I will resign my command.