Wow, it's a schooner!
You dumb bastard!
It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat.
A schooner is a sailboat, stupid-head.
You know what?!
There is no Easter Bunny!
Over there, that's just a guy in a suit!
- But they're engaged.
- Doesn't matter. It can't happen.
- Why not? It's bound to come up.
- Lois could never have Superman's baby.
You think her Fallopian tubes
could handle the sperm?
I guarantee he blows a load
like a shotgun through her back.
Is her womb strong enough
to carry his child?
- Sure. Why not?
- He's an alien, for Christ's sake.
His Kryptonian biological make-up
is enhanced by Earth's sun.
If Lois gets a tan, the kid
could kick through her stomach.
Only Wonder Woman has a strong
enough uterus to carry his kid.
He could only bang regular chicks with a
kryptonite condom but that would kill him.
I've gone from Floridian sex with Brandi to
man-of-steel debates in the food court.
- Cookie stand is not in the food court.
- Of course it is.
The food court is downstairs. We're
upstairs. This isn't quantum physics.
This is an eatery.
Eateries make up the food court.
Bullshit. Eateries in the designated square
downstairs qualify as food court.
Anything outside of
said designated square...
..is considered an autonomous unit
for mid-mall snacking.
If you're gonna wax intellectual
about the subject...
Holy shit.
- Wait here.
- Where are you goin'?
Cherchez la femme.
- That would look terrible on you.
- Didn't I dump your ass this morning?
You've had time to think
about the mistake you've made...
..and I want you to know
you don't have to apologise.
I'm sure you were just
PMS-ing or something.
What kills me about you
is your inability to function...
..on the same plane of existence
as the rest of us. Piss off.
OK. You wanna continue with
this charade of ending our union.