
If I remember correctly,
you're a big pretzel fan.

- Um... Dark chocolate?
- Yeah.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, come on!

- No, no, please.
- They're awesome. Here you go.

Thank you.
(Svenning) That's good.
Good, good. Very nice.

And, you know, being a man who believes
in "One good turn deserves another",...

..l have something to offer
the both of you.

Really? What's that?
- What is this?
- These are called "handcuffs".

Once I realised the both
of you were in the mall,...

..l decided to set up this little ambush...
:49:57 remove you and your sidekick
here from the premises, permanently.

Hey, why am I his sidekick?
How do you know he's not my sidekick?

Rene! Get Jay and Silent Bob!
Please! Hurry!
- Did somebody call your name?
- Um...

- I have to go to the bathroom. Wait here.
- Hey, anything for you, babe.

- It's your day.
- Thanks.

What you need is
a fatty boom-batty blunt.

I guarantee you'd see
a sailboat, an ocean...

..and maybe some big-titted
mermaids doin' lesbian shit.

Look at me, you sloppy bitch!
(Rene pants)
Dude, you're a mad chick magnet.
TS. Brodie. Security guards.
Under arrest. They need help. Go!
Wow. A sailboat.
- Brenda?
- Dick!

This is illegal!
You can't arrest us for nothing.
