Shizuku, books are fine,
but you should go to sleep.
Good night.
l thought l remembered seeing this name...
And here, too.
This guy's amazing.
He borrowed all of them before l did.
Amasawa Seiji...
What kind of person is he ?
l wonder if he's cool or not ?
Shizuku, will you get up ?
l'm going out now !
Oh, geez.
You just slept that way?
Get the rice ready !
Have a good day.
What ?! lt's that late ?!
l have to meet Yuuko !
My wallet !
What ? Did you forget it again ?
Yeah !
That's strange.
ls it next to the phone ?
Here it is !
You're the one who put it there.
Oh, l'm gonna be late !
Remember to lock up !