Good evening.Sure is hot, huh ?
I'm back.
Another plastic bag ?It's just a carton of milk.
But they just give it to you.
You don't have to take it.
Oh, I'd like some, please.
And you, Father ?Some wheat tea ?
Sure. I'll have some.Be right there.
Thanks. Can I use it ?I'm printing right now.
Maybe we should buy a portableword processor after all.
This smoke stinks. You shouldhave gone to Kashirazaki, too, Shizuku.
It's okay, I can't keep up with Sis.
Oh yeah
I've gotta go to work tomorrow.You need a lunch ?
Don't worry, I'll eat out.
Our library's finallychanging to a bar code system.
So things are really busy.
Then you are changing it.I liked the card catalogs better.
Yeah, I do too.Hey
Something's wrong with this composition.What? Where ?
Look, here
This name...