It's almost like they want me to fail.
But it's a chance for me to go.
When will you be leaving ?
I have to get my passport.
My dad and I
will be talking to the school today.
So you're leaving soon.
That's great !
You've got your wish !
Yeah. Anyway,
I'll just have to do my best.
The rain's stopped.
You're right.
Wow, look at that !
Maybe we'll see a rainbow.
I wonder
what kind of place Cremona is.
Hopefully it's a nice town.
They say it's an old city.
And there are lots of people there
who are violin makers.
That's so great. You're already
starting to fulfill your life's ambition.
I feel like such an idiot.
Thinking, "Wouldn't it be great
to go to high school with Seiji ?"
But it's depressing to think
how far behind you I am.
You know, I noticed you
from the library cards
A long time ago.
I bet you
never noticed how many times