Can you open the library, please ?
The library ?
Can't you wait
until they open normally ?
But l've already read all my books.
And the county library's closed today.
l've decided to read
twenty books during vacation.
Twenty books? But you're supposed
to be studying for your exams.
C'mon, hurry it up.
Let's see...Got it !
Hurry and bring it over !
C'mon, c'mon. Get out
your reading card and your library card.
Here you go.
Hey, look at this.
No one's ever checked this out.
This is a rare book.
They don't have it at the county library.
Teach !
Any idea
what this ''Amasawa'' person is like ?
Geez, now l messed up.
Probably the donor of the book.
l wouldn't know about something that old.
Try asking our veteran teachers.
Shizuku !
Oh, geez !
So this is where you are !
After you said
you'd be at the entrance at eleven !
You made me wait in the sun
for fifteen minutes !
Now l'll get even more freckles !
l...l'm sorry.
Hey, hey ! Not so loud.
You worry too much about
your freckles, Harada.
this is a serious problem for me !
Oh, right ! Right !
Out, out !
That way, that way !
l did what l could
but it's not that great.
Think l should have kept it in English ?