l was just going to...
What is this ?!
Shizuku, this place is a mess !
l'll go do it now.
Didn't we decide
to help Mom because she's so busy ?
Put away the laundry
when you're done with the rice.
And l'll make dinner after l shower.
Grandma says
To come on over
when you're in high school.
Doing better with your studies ?
lf you slack off
just cause Mom and Dad don't push you...
...you'll really pay for it.
l know !
Shizuku, will you get up already ?
And do your own vacuuming.
l'm cleaning bedsheets, so bring yours !
And put out the futons !
Where's Mom ?
She's already gone.
Hurry and clean up
then take this lunch to Dad.
What ?!
What's your problem ?
You're going to the library, right ?
Or should l go instead ?
lf so,
then you clean the bathtub, the toilet