Oh, how cute !
Tsukishima noticed boys, huh ?
Hey, Teach, l think spring
has finally arrived for Shizuku, too !
l told you that isn't it !
You actually
met the Prince of Books, then, right ?
ls he handsome ?
Look, l just wondered
what kind of person he is.
Hey, Yuuko.
You know the guy's name, right ?
So tell us.
Yuuko !
it was just a brief mention.
l think it started with ''Ma''
something, or Masagi whatever ?
That's just like Tsukishima to leave
Without hearing the whole story.
She wants to know
but she doesn't want to know, right ?
The hopeful heart suffers so
... lsn't it great ?
Well, it's romantic, anyway.
just go on and tease me like that.
And after l wrote
the verses for Country Road and all.
You finished ?
Let's see !~~Let's see !
Great Shizuku ! Mistress of verse !
We promise
to behave, so please show us !
Very well.
Actually, l'm not too confident.
l'm still not
too sure what ''country home'' means.
So l just had to
go with what l felt on that.
You outdid yourself.
''Country road.''
''lt'll take me, back to my home town.''
''l can feel it now,
if l just keep to...''
''...this far-off way, country road.''