Mimi wo sumaseba

You mean Moon isn't your cat ?
You can't tell cats what to do.
l think
he's called ''Egg'' at another house.

He probably has other names.
So he's a stray, then.
That's right !
Moon commutes by taking the train.

The train ?
That's right.
He was riding the train by himself.

l followed him and came here.
And then here's this wonderful store.
lt's like a fairy tale
inside the store.

l said some bad things about him.
l told him he wasn't cute,
and that he was just like me.

Moon is like you ?
You don't look alike at all !

T...that cat
must be at least half ghost.

And you...
ls the store owner okay ?
l was wondering, since
the store's been closed for a while.

Oh, he's just fine.
This store's kind of strange
it's closed more often than not.

Oh, that's good to know.
l peeked through the window
But l couldn't see the Baron.
l thought he was sold.

Oh, the cat figurine ?
Wanna see ? Come on.

Close the door
