...to put Alcatraz on trial.
''The warden can be relied upon
to carry out the instructions...
''...of the Bureau, that no brutality...
''...or inhumanity shall be practiced.
''Sustained food and medical attention
shall be given.''
We have wholeheartedly followed
those instructions.
Thank you.
So many opinions being expressed.
We attempted to get a statement
from the recent Harvard graduate...
...assigned to defend Henri Young.
Why don't we keep the trial
in the courtroom? Thank you.
l would like to address a few words
to the counsel for the defense.
Mr. Stamphill, you are hereby
put on notice...
...that this court has no interest
in newspaper headlines...
...and will not be swayed by them.
l further admonish that counsel's attempts
to try this case in the press...
...and not before this court,
will put him in the utmost peril.
ls that clear, Mr. Stamphill?
Yes, Your Honor.
Bailiff, approach the bench.
Before l hand down my ruling
on Mr. McNeil's objection...
...l'd like to address a few words
to the counsel for the defense.
While l cannot give legal advice
and sit on the bench at the same time...
...l will express grave concern
with the defense's strategy.
Counselor, l strongly recommend
you walk a straight line...
...in terms of your defense.
Anything you state in this courtroom
will be evaluated not only by the jury...
...but very closely scrutinized by myself.
ls that understood, Mr. Stamphill?
Yes, Your Honor.
Very well.
Prosecution's objection is overruled.
You may pursue your line of defense...
...concerning the penitentiary at Alcatraz...
...and l will rule on any objections
on a point-by-point basis.
Mr. McNeil, you may call
your first witness.
Prosecution calls Terrence Swenson.
Terrence Swenson.