...l'd like to address a few words
to the counsel for the defense.
While l cannot give legal advice
and sit on the bench at the same time...
...l will express grave concern
with the defense's strategy.
Counselor, l strongly recommend
you walk a straight line...
...in terms of your defense.
Anything you state in this courtroom
will be evaluated not only by the jury...
...but very closely scrutinized by myself.
ls that understood, Mr. Stamphill?
Yes, Your Honor.
Very well.
Prosecution's objection is overruled.
You may pursue your line of defense...
...concerning the penitentiary at Alcatraz...
...and l will rule on any objections
on a point-by-point basis.
Mr. McNeil, you may call
your first witness.
Prosecution calls Terrence Swenson.
Terrence Swenson.
Witness shall remain standing
until sworn in.
Put your hand on the Bible.
Cut it out.
Do you swear to tell the truth
and nothing but the truth...
...so help you God?
So help me God.
You may be seated.
Mr. Swenson, as a guard at Alcatraz,
did you know Henri Young?
Yes, sir.
Could you point him out for us?
That's him right over there, sir.
Thank you, Mr. Whitney.
Thank you.
Now, on the morning of June 1 1, 1941,
where were you?
l was on duty in the dining hall.
Everything was normal.
And l saw the defendant--
Henri Young.
That's correct.
l saw him standing over Rufus McCain.
He lifted up his chin and....
-Excuse me, l'm nervous.
-lt's all right.
And he plunged a metal object...
...which l later learned was a spoon...
...into McCain's throat.
He then ripped it open.