My Family

His brother Roberto really died
of a ruptured appendix.

In those days, just after the
revolution, times were hard

and my dad's in-laws couldn't
afford to feed an extra mouth.

So my father had to leave.
Now the only living relative
my father knew about

lived in a village called Nuestra
Señora Reina de Los Angeles.

And he figured he could walk
there in a day or two.

Are you talking about Los Angeles,

Or do you mean Los Angeles,

I mean Los Angeles
in California.

That's really far.
It's not even here in Mexico.

That's another country.
Another country?
What does that mean,
another country?

Another country is...
another country!

It's on the other side
of the world.

The other side of the world.
My father thought about it.
Good God, he thought, it might
take 2 weeks to walk there.

We can take you part
of the way.

Thank you.
Go on, get in back.
Watch yourself.

It took him over a year to reach
the "other side of the world".

He walked most of the way.
And we kids, well, we heard
of that journey many times.

He was attacked by ten bandits
in Sonora...

and had to beat them off
with a cactus branch.

He rode the back of
a snorting mountain lion.

But finally, he reached
El Pueblo Nuestra Señora Reina
de Los Angeles.

The one in California.
The border? Well, in those days
it was just a line in the dirt.
