under the cornfield.
And El Californio said exactly
what he wanted written
on his grave marker:
Don Alejandro Vazquez,
El Californio.
Died 1934.
When I was born here this
was Mexico. And where I lie,
this is still...
My mother kept her promise.
And when my brother Chucho
was old enough, she set off
on her long journey home. But
the rains came early that year.
She had gone too far
to turn back.
Please, Sir.
I must get across.
The water is very high.
I have to keep going.
I can't turn back. Please.
Wait until later in the year,
when the water is lower.
I'll never be able
to make it here again. Never.
I have to get across.
All right.
Come on.
Hold on to me, Chucho.
The spirit of the river
is evil and powerful.
An owl...
in the daytime.