There are more waiters
than customers here.
That explains the prices.
You saved my life,
so that ruled out MacDonald's.
You lied to me.
About spending the night
with Vincent.
If you had,
you wouldn't have said so.
You're the one who said so.
You seemed adamant, so...
Well I was wrong.
Do what you want
with boys of your age.
He and I serve different purposes.
I have no reason to lie to you.
And no desire to.
I feel free with you.
Be careful.
I know you're no saint.
But I never imagined
meeting anyone like you.
It's gone beyond work.
You're part of my life now.
Stop it...
We'll talk later.
He's a banker.
The Paris-Taiwan connection.
Yet a hard-line European.
It's odd. For me,
you're that young, naive judge.
I can't see you
as a businessman.
You're intrigued.
But I was one.
They say you were fearsome.
Fearsome? No more than any other.
No less, either.
But you made money.
A lot?
You don't regret it.
Not at all.
You mind my asking?
Once back in France,
I got one assignment, then another.