Is that Mitchell?
I thought that guy
was gonna kiss your hand.
Congratulations, sir.
Yeah, thanks.
Jesus, Dick!
I've never seen anything like it.
Even the goddamn Times
is saying you've got it.
Vietnam's gonna put
you in there, Chief.
We got the press this time.
We got the big mo. We're back.
So you've decided.
Were you planning
to tell me?
We haven't announced
anything yet, but...
Jesus, uh...
Uh, wait in the living room,
Will you, fellas? What is it, John?
You need her, Dick. In '60,
she was worth five, six million votes.
Yeah. Don't worry.
I'll use the old Nixon charm.
In there. Okay?
Who could resist that?
You should be going.
Primaries are soon, aren't they?
New Hampshire.
I love you, Buddy. I need you.
I don't want them
to love me.
But I need you
Out there.
It won't be
like the last time.
The war's crippled
the Democrats.
I can win.
We deserve it.
It's ours, Buddy,
at last.
Nobody knows that
Better than you.
Frank Nixon's boy.
Do you remember
what Mom said?
We're not like other people.
We...We don't choose our way.
We can really
change things, Buddy.
We got a chance to get it right.
We can change America.
It was our dream, Buddy,
together, always.
Do you really want this, Dick?
Yeah. This, above all.
And then you'll be happy?
Yeah, you know I will.
Yes! I will.