
You should be going.
Primaries are soon, aren't they?

New Hampshire.
I love you, Buddy. I need you.

I don't want them
to love me.

But I need you
Out there.

It won't be
like the last time.

The war's crippled
the Democrats.

I can win.
We deserve it.

It's ours, Buddy,
at last.

Nobody knows that
Better than you.

Frank Nixon's boy.
Do you remember
what Mom said?

We're not like other people.
We...We don't choose our way.

We can really
change things, Buddy.

We got a chance to get it right.
We can change America.

It was our dream, Buddy,
together, always.

Do you really want this, Dick?
Yeah. This, above all.

And then you'll be happy?
Yeah, you know I will.

Yes! I will.

Then I'll be there
For you.

And we are gonna win this time.
I can feel it.

You're the strongest woman
I ever met, Buddy.

Can I just ask for one thing?

Would you kiss me?

I'm a new person.

My thanks to all of you. And now it's
on to Chicago, and let's win there.

Thank you very much.
I would never question,
uh, Senator Kennedy's patriotism.

But promising peace at any price
Right there.

:57:40, uh, exactly what
the North Vietnamese want to hear.

Cue the crowd.
Go to this
bald guy. Yeah, he's great, isn't he?

I, unlike Senator Kennedy...
...have a plan
to end the war immediately.

But not for
peace at any price...

...but peace with honor.
What do you think this plan is, Edgar?
A nuclear attack?
