No Way Back

-Breaking in a new partner?
-Sitter's not ready till 5.

Hey, Eric, let's feel that grip, boy.
Come on.

Find anything?
No closet full of hockey masks.
The girl was a landlord's dream.
Clean, neat, no wild parties.

It's always the quiet ones that snap.
Seiko did not snap.
No, she gunned down seven people
in a fit of happiness.

Look, Zack, it's been a rough day.
Take your son to the park.
Play some catch.

Come on. Supe wants us
to handle this. You know how it is.

What happened?
Where's Seiko?
If you don't mind me asking...
:17:58 did she die?
In the line of duty.
Oh, my God.
That was one of her biggest fears.
What do you mean?
She had a lot of bad dreams
about getting killed on the job.

Really scared her sometimes.
She wouldn't want to sleep alone, so--
She'd come over to my place.
I'd make her Rice Krispy squares.

She kept her groceries in my fridge...
...used my shower...
:18:31 phone.
She called from here?
I sure don't know anyone in New York.
You think the phone company
screwed up?

The phone company?
Yeah, maybe.
Look, why don't I keep these.
-I'll check it out for you, all right?

FBI vs. AT&T. I'd pay money
to see that on pay-per-view.

I gotta go.
