
- Taste it.
- It's sweet.

It's made of sugar cane.
Sugar cane.
Wait a minute.
The Tysons own the largest holdings
of sugar cane in Puerto Rico!

Second largest.
The largest have no daughter.

It's all beginning to make sense.
Mr Tyson owns the sugar cane,
you own the formula for the plastics

and I'm offered as a sacrifice
on the altar of industrial progress!

You make it sound as if the son
of the hot-dog dynasty

had to marry the daughter
of the mustard king.

Surely you don't object to Elizabeth
because her father has $20 million?

That's very narrow-minded of you.
Just one thing. I haven't proposed
and she hasn't accepted.

Oh, don't worry.
I proposed and Mr Tyson accepted.

- Did you kiss him?
- Elizabeth is a lovely girl.

Sooner or later you'll propose.
I'm helping you make up your mind.

- Then you marry her.
- Me?

What's so funny?
If I got married, I'd have to take
a Dictaphone, two secretaries

and four corporation counsellors
along on the honeymoon.

I'd be unfaithful to my wife
every night

with vice presidents, boards of
directors, slide-rule accountants...

This... this is my home.
No wife would ever understand it.

Nor me. You've got all the money
in the world.

Making money isn't the main point
of business. Money is a by-product.

- What's the main objective? Power?
- Ah! That's become a dirty word.

What's the urge? You're going into
plastics. What will that prove?

Prove? Nothing much.
A new product has been found,
something of use to the world.

A new industry moves into
an undeveloped area.

Factories go up, machines go in
and you're in business.

It's coincidental that people who've
never seen a dime now have a dollar

and barefooted kids wear shoes
and have their faces washed.
