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I deliver perfection...and don't brag about it! :D
Once upon a time,
on the North Shore of Long Island,some 30 miles from New York,
there lived a small girlon a large estate.
The estate was very large indeedand had many servants.
There were gardenersto take care of the gardens
and a tree surgeon on a retainer.
There was a boatman to put the boatsin the water in the spring
and scrape their bottomin the winter.
There were specialiststo take care of the grounds,
the outdoor tennis courtand the indoor tennis court,
the outdoor swimming pooland the indoor swimming pool.
And a man of no particular title
took care of a small pool in thegarden for a goldfish named George.
Also on the estate there wasa chauffeur by the name of Fairchild,
who had been imported from Englandyears ago,